portfolio review online
In a time when hundreds of thousands of pictures are “beautiful” or “great”, it is sometimes difficult to receive constructive criticism. A portfolio online review is a great opportunity to discuss photos intensively and thus improve them and your photography in general in a targeted manner. The portfolio online review is a discussion of 6 or 12 image motifs via digital video conference. It includes in-depth criticism of the images, suggestions for editing and composition. Classification where they could be located in contemporary landscape photography. You’ll get suggestions such as how similar shooting situations can be recognized in the field and how images can be improved on site already. There is also time for live editing suggestions and your additional questions specifically about the photos.
Just send me the images to be analyzed 5 days before the review appointment, I will analyze them and give you tips, inspiration and advice on how you could develop further photographically in our call. Usually I can set up online reviews at very short notice, simply request your desired date using the contact form.
Portfolio review
6 motifs – 80€ (approx. 60min)
12 motifs – 120€ (approx. 120min)